Kees Tazelaar (*1962) followed courses in Sonology in Utrecht and The Hague,
and later studied composition under Jan Boerman at the Royal Conservatoire.
He has been teaching at the Institute of Sonology since 1993 and has been
head of the institute since 2006.
As well as a composer, Kees Tazelaar is a historian, who has specialised in
the early years of electronic music in the Netherlands and Germany. He has
twice been the Edgard Varèse Guest Professor at the Technische Universität
Berlin, where he earned his PhD in 2013 with the dissertation On the
Threshold of Beauty: Philips and the Origins of Electronic Music in the
Netherlands 1925–1965
(nai010 Publishers)


Boeken uitgegeven door 1001:
Van harmonie naar chaos: Le Corbusier, Varèse, Xenakis en Le poème électronique. Jan de Heer & Kees Tazelaar
From Harmony to Chaos: Le Corbusier, Varèse, Xenakis and Le poème électronique. Jan de Heer & Kees Tazelaar